Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the correction of position and relations between teeth and jaws, as well as the relationship between the upper and lower jaw. Its' aim is not only an aesthetic correction of the teeth, but also functional. Only with proper arrangement of teeth and relations between the upper and lower jaw can achieve correct system for chewing, what is very important for our health.
On first visit, the dentist makes an image of the jaw with orthopantomograph, providing an insight into the state of dentition, presence or absence of some teeth, state of periodontics, bone ... and takes impressions for jaw study models.
After that, the patient is sent to a specialistic orthodontic examination. Then, if necessary, orthodontist sends the patient to do the image of the head or latero-lateral skull, CBCT or MRI and to make a set of intraoral and extraoral profile, face and smile photos. After all diagnostic methods, the treatment plan is made, which is presented to the patient.
Orthodontics for children and youth
The ideal time for the visit of the orthodontist is the age of 7. The orthodontic treatment often will not be necessary, but it can be assumed if, when and what kind of therapy will be required. At that age, we assume that first permanent molars and incisors have already rised, and that some anomalies may already be seen (cross-bite, forced bite and crowding teeth). Early treatment can affect on the correction the correlation of the upper and lower jaw, and gain more space for the permanent teeth, avoid tooth extractions, reduce the likelihood of impacted teeth, eliminate thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, incorrect swallowing or speech difficulties. In other words, early treatment can simplify later treatment.
For this form of therapy we use mobile braces in one piece. It can be used only in children who are still growing or around peak of puberty.
Find out more about the new generation of mobile braces.
Orthodontics for adults
Adults are treated solely with fixed appliances, and in severe cases orthognathic surgery is also needed. Orthodontic treatment can be successful at any age, and adults higly appreciated therapy due to creating a beautiful smile. Orthodontic braces are not just for kids. Orthodontic treatment at an older age can improve self-confidence and appearance, but improving the health of teeth and gums is equally important. Crooked teeth and a bad bite can contribute to loss of gum tissue and bone, tooth decay and abnormal wear of tooth substance. Advanced techniques that are now used reduce discomfort, control frequency and are suitable for all ages.
In our office we use several types of self-binding technique. These are the new generation of modern systems that have some advantages over conventional braces, and it's reduced the duration of therapy in some cases, larger spaces between the controls, the less time spent in the office, better hygiene, comfort for the patient, the less force that keep the periodontium and bone structure, which is important for elderly patients, especially for those who have already developed periodontal disease, or temporomandibular dysfunction.
Fixed orthodontic appliances (self-binding systems)
Self - ligating brackets (aesthetic and metal brackets)
http://damonbraces.com, http://www.gacintl.com, http://www.forestadent.com
Aesthetic treatment of front teeth with lingual brackets - Invisible brackets
http://www.ormco.com, http://www.gacintl.com, http://www.forestadent.com
Theraphy with transparent foils - Invisible Aligner
Retention is a very important phase of orthodontic treatment by which teeth remain in position obtained by orthodontic treatment. In order to achieve a stable position, the teeth must be in retention for at least one year or, by some authors, it is good to wear a retention device for a lifetime, or at least as long as you have been wearing braces.
Devices that are used for retention are the mobile foils for the upper and lower jaw or retainer made with special technique, completely transparent. One should remember that the teeth will move if you are not wearing a retention by orthodontist's instructions.
It may take a fixed retention in the form of wire which is fixed on the inner side of one or both jaws. If you act irresponsibly with them, we can't guarantee the stability of the therapy.